Thu 7 May 2009
One Year on Earth in 365 Seconds
Posted by Derek and Shanna under RTW Travel
[11] Comments
Eight months have passed since we returned home. In many ways, the trip seems like a dream. Without this website and the pictures hanging on our walls, it would be easy to convince ourselves that it never happened. How did we get so lucky as to be able to take a trip like that? And how did it all go by so fast?
The memories are so numerous that they almost blend together. Not a day goes by, however, without something triggering a vivid recollection of an experience we had during our year abroad. And then, for a minute, we’re transported back to someplace a world away–and a world apart from the lives we live now.
We know that we are privileged beyond belief to have completed such an unbelievable journey. The wisdom we gained can never be taken away from us. The shared experiences and challenges we faced deeply strengthened our marriage. Our respect for different cultures and the appreciation we now have for our own country could not be stronger.
While we’ve been lucky to see more of this beautiful world than most, we have still just touched the surface. There is so much more to see and experience–enough to fill several lifetimes. We can’t wait to continue the exploration!
To provide a short overview of our one-year journey around the world, we have created a slide show of some of our favorite pictures. Enjoy!
[vimeo 36505600]
Derek and Shanna,
Every month i keep checking on your web site just to see if you have escaped again.
Loved the video.
Strange…. for me it brought back memories of your escapade and we were only with you for four days.
With love
Fay and Nick
You have such an amazing site here. It’s interesting to read your perspective on the trip, having completed it. My fiancé and I are just about to go on an around-the-world trip of our own – we hope it’s as exciting as yours!
Thanks for the update. I had been missing you guys and wondering what had been going on since your return. Hope all is well!
Loved the slide show! Must have been quite a job to pick the best photos.
Such an amazing site.Really loved the slide show.I will check this site often to get updates from you.
This was great. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experiences. You are very lucky to have experienced such a wonderful year.
Dear Derek and Shanna (and no need to post this on the site, I just didn’t know how else to contact you!),
I just wanted to write you a quick note to say thank you for sharing your amazing journey with a world of people living vicariously through your dream.
I stumbled upon your site accidentally back in 2007 when you had just embarked. Having never heard of anyone other than fresh college graduates taking any sort of extended ‘leave from life,’ your story struck a chord with me. I was fascinated with your courage and slowly but surely, a similar dream started to bubble up within me.
I have yet to take such a trip, but I am saving and planning and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that one day, an advendure like this will be waiting for me too.
So thanks you guys, for showing me that it really can happen. You are an inspiration!
Best, Julie
P.S. I hope life in DC is treating you well. I look forward to Round 2 from you sometime soon 🙂
very informative content
Great site, was going through Angkor Wat photos today actually! Are you guys hitting the road again soon? Been a while since the last update.
Doing the trek now, hope all is well!
I loved your video of your travels, you’ve made me want to make one with all of the pictures from when I went around Europe. There’s so many great places, but my favourites are definitely Madrid and Rome. Can’t wait to go back.
Really impressive slide show. I’d love to visit the same places you did.