Fri 7 Sep 2007
A Moveable Feast
Posted by Shanna under Food, Paris
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Although we arrived in Paris only yesterday, Derek and I have already begun to understand what Hemingway meant when he called this city a “moveable feast.” Finally liberated from our pre-wedding diets, we have spent the last 24 hours in a near-constant state of consumption. As I write this, we have just wiped away the baguette crumbs from our makeshift picnic on the wrought-iron balcony of our room in the Hotel de Grands Hommes (about which all of the spectacular reviews on tripadvisor are, indeed, true). We have a room overlooking the Pantheon, an ancient building that Derek has fallen in love with.
We spent yesterday afternoon wandering the narrow streets of the Rue de Mouffetard and, of course, pausing to indoctrinate ourselves into the French lifestyle via a Nutella-filled crepe. Following a touristy-but-still-cool cruise on the Seine, we joined throngs of Parisians in line at Le Relais de Venice, where the waitress, when she arrived to take our order, asked us only a single question: “rare or medium rare?”. Nothing more was needed, as there was no doubt that we, like all the others, were there for the steak frites (aka steak and french fries), a French classic.
 True to their reputation, the steak and the frites were both extraordinary, as was the meringue/chocolate concoction (with the greatest chocolate sauce ever created by man) that followed.
Jet lag and recovery from our wedding-related sleep deprivation meant that we didn’t rise this morning until well after our guide book’s recommended hour of 8:00 a.m. (Waking up this early apparently allows one to take in Paris’s most famous sites while avoiding most other tourists. It is a theory that we will never test.) We wandered into Guy Savoy’s Les Bourguinistes for a late lunch, during which we ordered–and then devoured–everything on the prix fixe menu. Among the stars of the show were my soup (labeled “carrot,” but more aptly described as “butter”) and Derek’s duck
, which, as best we can tell given my still-limited language skills (the studying on the plane could only carry me so far), was drizzled with fig sauce.
We’re now preparing (yes, we’re still hungry) for a 10:00 dinner at A Beauvilliers. (Jet lag allows us to eat as late as the actual residents of this city.) While our bellies are certainly rounder than they were last week, the ill effects of our binging are somewhat lessened by the fact we’ve been walking all over the city. Today’s jaunts took us to the Pantheon (which is located about 200 feet from our balcony), the Palais de Justice (where we happened upon a trial for drug possession in full swing–incredibly interersting even despite the language barrier), the amazing stained glass windows of the Sainte-Chappelle, a quaint flower market and, of course, the Notre Dame, where we lit prayer candles (a candle burns in Paris for you, Uncle Larry) and ascended the 387 steps of the church’s North Tower to see Paris from a completely different perspective.
I’m currently reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love.” In one chapter, Gilbert hypothesizes that every city can be summed up with a single word (so, for instance, Nashville’s word might be “musical,” while Detroit’s could be “recovering”). The people who most enjoy a city are those who can be described with the same word. On our walk back to the hotel this afternoon, Derek and I decided that we and Paris currently share a single moniker: “splurge.” Perhaps that explains our love affair with this town.
* * * *
We have just returned from what can only be described as one of the best meals of our lives (a label not given hastily, given all we’ve been eating since we arrived here). I know there’s a book called French Women Don’t Get Fat. French women must not eat at these restauarants.
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Wow this is really amazing. I was so happy to hear the wedding went so well. I look forward to reading more of your adventures in the near future. School is going well, a bit hard to get used to, but it will get better. I wish you happy memories and safe travel. Love, Ellory
Shanna and Derek,
You are not only making us happy, you are making us hungry.
You have us all craving “the greatest chocolate sauce ever created by man”. I think you have managed to out-eat me! Wow! Happy travels.
Trina & Family
Hello Shanna,
It has been ages since we last met after all we did leave Dublin in 1989 and you were so much younger but I just learnt from OUR MUTUAL friends Grewals that you are married & naturally wanted to wish you all the best!
Life is an adventure and Paris indead is the “best” when it comes to cusine! 10 days ago I was in Paris [AIRPORT only for 4 hours in transit to US] and enjoyed their bakery & Quiche…..YummIE
Just this week I have picked up my first Tajine dish by Emily – Henry! Prepared a few wonderful dishes effortlessly – you gotta try it someday.
Wishing you and your partner [I just moved to Texas less than 100 days now] all the best – keep an open mind and a ready smile. Hope to see you at a Grewal wedding in the near future in the GREAT Buckeye state!! LOL
The world is a small place this Summer in India the only folks in August heat at the Taj Mahal’s mid-day numbered less than 100 people [this in a BILLION people place]; yet the law of coincidence brought us unexpectedly in touch with friends from NY. Hey what waits around the corner – who knows?
Hope you both run into your pals too as you globe trot…..PEACE – SHANTI
Looks like you’re having a BLAST! The photos are great! I love the Pantheon pic and the candles…very nice! Be safe!!!!!
Your travel writing is off to a fantastic start, as I’m sure is your Paris honeymoon. is already the topic of conversation in Nashville. Eat your heart out YouTube.
I recommend tuning your iPods to Tom Russell’s “Angel of Lyon.” It’s about a lawyer who decides that his material possessions are unimportant, so he abandons them and moves to Lyon, France. There he encounters a vision of the Angel of Lyon, and spends the rest of his life between the two rivers that unite the city, the Rhone and the Saone.
Derek and Shanna: Glad to hear that the journey thus far is filled with the pleasures of feast and friendship. The tales you have told and the pictures you have taken allow each of us to share the journey from afar—keep them coming. All is well here except that Dylan and my fantasy football team sufferred a terrible week one loss (I am sure Derek would say there is nothing particularily surprising about that). Hope your travels to the east went well. Peace and love. Michael